Tuesday, June 02, 2009


Apparantly there is a bad guy on the loose. I found this hanging on my bedroom door.

This was on my bathroom door, equal rights...


Donna said...

Hahaha, that's pretty cute.....which child was the artist?

Stephanie said...

It's Jared :)
He really is an artist, he draws so much, we go through 500 sheets of printer paper a week. I have all of his pictures in boxes.
These drawings don't show his ability at all.
I just thought it was funny, there is a unisex sign on the other bathroom too :)

L. J. Lowe said...

LOL. That's just so great! I'll be giggling for days over this one. LOL.

JoAnn said...

Hey look, it't me pmsing! LOL Love the unisex sign. Have you guys ever picked up end roll paper from your newspaper? Our paper here in town loves for people to come get it and it provides a ton of drawing paper.

Cap'n Franko said...

Since I'm ouotnumbered in htis household 3-to-1, I migh hafta copy that unisex sign!