Monday, February 07, 2011

Do you ever...

Think that you are the only one who thinks what you think, believes what you believe, feels what you feel about any given thing?

Ok, obviously I am the only one that thinks what I think in my own head but I mean a sort of hey yeah, I've thought that before...

I know I am unique, trust me, I believe we are all unique.

I believe we do have similarities with others, we as humans seek out those that are like us...

When I answer any question, respond to anything happening in the world or in my house, I know that my take on it is rare, it's not the norm, it's different.

My dear husband  loves me so but even he will tell you my views are out there on some things, hell everything, it seems.

Sometimes I really feel alone in my thoughts and opinions and most of the time that is fine, I guess once in awhile it would be nice if someone said, yeah I get  that.

But you have no idea what I'm referring to?

Nothing real specific, ask me something? I just know that my answer is different, especially in regards to parenting, school, government...

Maybe I'm having a government induced post?

In my world, it would be anarchism so well....yeah.... responsibility and respect, never gonna happen....

The state we are in now just saddens me, and really pisses me off if I let it.
The school system is knee deep in government.

Our lives, what we eat, what lightbulbs we use, what we drive,how fast we drive, when we can vote, when we can buy alcohol,  how we educate our kids, who we marry etc...

Big brother thinks they can dictate because we are too stupid, thanks to the wonderful public school system, I agree on the stupid part, BUT I  escaped, I can think for myself and I know many of my friends can too...I'm sick of it. Oh and taxation is theft.... That's a whole nother topic....

Who knows, maybe you don't care what my opinion is, I'm pretty sure the government doesn't either. But they can leave me alone to live in peace or they can bite me.


Kim said...


Stephanie said...

Thanks, sometimes I just have to ramble on and get it off my chest :)