I have absolutely no respect for anyone who hits a child.
If you are a reformed spanker than my hat is off to you, congratulations!
If you hit your kid in the name of God, shame on you. I have heard people say they spank out of love. That is some kind of twisted love. We don't hit people we love.
It's no different than a man who hits his girlfriend/wife. He has serious issues and he will claim to love that person even though he abuses them.
That is NOT love!
So many people get caught in the abuse cycle, stuck in the trap.
They start to believe it is actually their fault that the person they love hits them.
There is absolutely no valid reason to hit a child.
None whatsoever!
If my husband ever raised his hand at me like he was going to hit me our relationship would NEVER be the same. It would be forever tarnished, if he actually hit me I would leave him in a second.
My husband is awesome and would never lay a hand on me in anger but I needed to make my point.
If he ever hit our children I would be gone. I will not tolerate abuse of any kind.
You do not hit children, it's all abuse.
I am so disheartened by people who spank their kids and believe it's ok.
Did you ever think how that child feels?
Did you ever for a second imagine what that will do to them for the rest of their life?
I was not spanked as a child.
I was punched and slapped in my early teen years.
What's the difference?
The emotional wound is the same, the physical wound is in a different spot.
Just being hit once, never ever leaves you, it never leaves.
I implore you, please think twice before you ever lay a hand on your child or loved one.