Sunday, November 22, 2015

Unconscious Mutterings

I say ... and you think ... ?
  1. Plenty of ::overflowing
  2. Peanut ::butter
  3. Gulp ::big
  4. Framed! ::Roger Rabbit
  5. Caged ::animal
  6. Chilly ::cool
  7. Instrument ::drums
  8. Officer ::cop
  9. Solution ::fix
  10. Dolphin ::sea

Tuesday, June 02, 2015


Our oldest son worked at Wendy's for the past 15 months, he just left this weekend. They hated to see him go, they loved him, he showed up on time and did his job. They offered him a management position, but he knew the salary just wasn't worth the hours and the stress.

He has been planning on starting his own business for quite sometime now. Learning, researching, saving his money and buying equipment and products. He has finally launched it, he has only done a few jobs so far and customers are very pleased with his work.

We are just so proud of him for finding something he loves to do and to be able to make money and be his own boss. We raised them to follow their interests and passion and to be anything they want to be.

I believe that he will be successful in this because it is what he wants and he is willing to work for it.

Here is a link to his Facebook page, he will be getting a website up soon.